Regular Content Plans

Regular content plans are designed to give businesses a consistent flow of high-quality videos and photos that can be posted regularly on their social media channels and websites each month.

The plans are scalable based on requirements and work in a similar way to a bulk package discount, where you have an allowance of filming days to use each year.

Get AWESOME content like this every month!

How it works:

1-2 Year Plans

Content plans work on a 12-month contract or can be extended for up to 2 years.

Filming and Editing Allowance

You will have a yearly allowance of filming & editing days to use over the year. This works great if you have a quiet month and need us to sit tight, or you can use us for consecutive filming days if that’s what you need.

Up to 40% Discount

Regular Content Plans work in a similar way to bulk package discounts. We can make the plans cheaper than our day rates because it provides us with a predictable cash flow to grow our business too.

Ongoing Support

We’re always there to help. We are at your disposal to help with new ideas, advice, and support for your business at all times.


Save Money

Content plans can save you thousands of dollars each year.

Idea Sessions

We offer FREE brainstorming sessions so you never run out of content ideas.

Save Time

Following our initial meeting, we will set up a simple production plan that best suits your needs. Our stress-free process is designed so you can focus on your business and still have amazing content.

Boost Exposure & Credibility

We will support you by coming up with new engaging ideas to help boost interaction and drive sales each month.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation:

Contact us.

Addison Madison Productions